About us
Trusted B2B references are strategic assets for B2B and technology businesses. If a company is planning major investments in business process improvement, IT system integration, or new enterprise software, customer references are a crucial part of their decision.
And yet the current customer reference process—informal, cumbersome, unstructured—has not kept pace with today’s business. We created WebTalkx because we believe B2B references done right can be a competitive advantage for your company.
WebTalkx revolutionizes the traditional reference process for all participants with professional, digitally recorded reference interviews that are maintained and replayed in a secure environment. The on-demand nature of the recording makes it available for future reference requests and at earlier stages of your sales cycle. And reference integrity is guaranteed by multiple layers of security, validation, and participant authentication, as well as a charity program that avoids any quid pro quo. The bottom line is a reference your requestors can trust.
The results are persuaded reference requestors, satisfied reference givers, and a portfolio of valuable resources you can use throughout your sales cycle and beyond.Team
“Few B2B marketers would debate the value of customer references, yet most manage them in an ad hoc fashion, limiting their application to sales opportunities. But when managed as a broader management initiative, customer references add payoff to a wider range of investments.”